We are a community of faith rooted in an ancient tradition who also eagerly embrace the living grace and creative movement of a surprising and loving God. We are a community of all ages and varied ethnic backgrounds, called to follow Jesus and to serve the world that God so loves. No matter where you are on your faith journey - you have a place with us.
As a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation:
Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church affirms that all people are beloved children of God, made in God’s image. We openly welcome all people into full communion and ministry at this church as an outward expression of the reconciling love of Jesus Christ. We share Christ’s love and welcome for persons of all races and ethnicities, all gender identities, gender expressions and sexual orientations, ages and faith histories, marital statuses and family configurations, physical and mental abilities, educational levels and economic circumstances, and all who may have been marginalized for whatever reason. We are committed to work for racial equity and justice within and through our community.