Salem Lutheran Church 

Stillwater, OK

Salem Lutheran Church 

Stillwater, OK

Cindy Pennie, Salem Parish Nurse, has led a medical mission to the Morogoro District of Tanzania for over a decade. The Morogoro District is a sister synod to the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod. 
Please consider a donation to help fund the group. Any additional funds go to medical supplies for the hospital. Checks can be made out to Salem Lutheran Church with "Tanzania" on the memo line. 

The Arkansas/Oklahoma Synod has a companion relationship with the Morogoro Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania. The AR/OK synod has been sending medical teams to Morogoro since 2008, up until 2019. Due to Covid we had to cancel our trip in 2020, and could not plan to take a team back until this year, 2023. Due to logistics we could not get a workable group for this year, but we are geared up to go in 2024!

The work of the team depends on the members of the team. This year's team will focus on building relationships and listening to our Tanzanian brothers and sisters as they describe their needs. They will be accompanied by Bishop Mameo as they visit churches and a wide variety of sites. They will have a small group working at the Maximbu Hospital. The group of twelve includes a retired vet, educators (active and retired) a retired engineer, a retired builder, a college student, an ER physician, and, of course, Cindy Pennie, RN, who has spent countless hours organizing the trip. 

The group leaves July 25 and flies to Dar es Salaam. The group returns August 11. They appreciate all of your prayers as travel, work, share, and learn. 


In Tanzania the best schools are residential schools. These schools offer the best opportunity for students to qualify for further education. The cost of room, board, books, and classes is $500/half-year term. This is a hurdle for local families. Our Church Council has approved a voluntary support program to provide funds for two students per year. If you'd like to help with this project, write a check to Salem Lutheran and note "Tanzania Scholarship" on the memo line. Thank you!

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