Salem Lutheran Church 

Stillwater, OK

Salem Lutheran Church 

Stillwater, OK


Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Congregation

This past year a committee at Salem took up the discernment process involved in becoming an RIC congregation. The Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod became an RIC synod in 2023. The work of the committee resulted in a positive congregational vote at the December 2023 semi-annual meeting. 

If you want more information about the RIC program and future steps, visit ReconcilingWorks. See the new welcome statement on our home page!

Information about Calling a New Pastor for Salem

Salem is currently in the process of calling a new pastor after the retirement of Pr. Sally Houck. Worship leadership will be provided by a variety of visiting pastors and members of the congregation. Our Parish Nurse is also available. The Salem office is staffed M-Th from 8 am - 1 pm and F from 8 am - 11 am. Please email or leave a phone message at other times.

The Salem Search Committee is working through the Call Process with advisement from the Ark-OK bishop, the Rev. Becca Middeke-Conlin. Members of the committee are Paul Long (chair), Bruce Ackerson, Pat Darlington, Kevin Gerfen, Stephen Haseley, and Maria Moccia Wolff. They welcome your prayers during this important process.

Adult Discussion Class – Sunday mornings at 11:00 am in-person and on Zoom 

Join us in the parish hall or online at the Zoom link on Sunday at 11:00 am. It's fine to just listen in. No pressure to "discuss". The class is facilitated by Dr. Terry Gipson and Dr. David Lewis. Dr. Gipson can also answer questions about using Zoom. The class will use "The History of Christianity: The Disciples to the Beginning of the Reformation" from Great Courses. Contact [email protected] for the Zoom link and to be added to the email reminder list. This class meets in the All-Purpose Room. 
The second class is based on "Stranger God: Meeting Jesus in Disguise" and meets in the library.
The Friday morning Bible Study is continuing, and you are welcome!

Stocking the Free Food Pantry

Our Free Food Pantry has been installed by the entrance to the parking lot on our Elm Street side by Nate Sahs as his Eagle Scout project. There will be ongoing opportunities to donate particular types of foods for the pantry. Food may be left in the pantry or in the Elm Street entry at Salem. Canned foods with pop-tops and individual servings are recommended and are the items taken from the pantry. 

Granola bars
Individual fruit cups
Lance or Keebler "sandwich" crackers - such as peanut butter filled crackers
Instant oatmeal/small cereal boxes
Beanie Weenies/Chef Boyardee pastas
Ramen noodles
Canned meats (tuna, chicken, Vienna sausages)
Peanut butter, preferably in single-serve contrainers (Jif-to-go)
Crackers (Ritz and saltines, packaged in smaller serving sizes)

Monetary and food contributions are greatly appreciated! Also needed are individually-wrapped bars of soap, rolls of toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, laundry pods, and feminine hygiene products are good items to have available. Items may be dropped off at the pantry shelves in the north narthex. Checks should be have the memo, "Little Pantry" and made out to Salem Lutheran.   

Parish Nurse

Our congregation is so fortunate that our Parish Nurse, Cindy Pennie, BSN, RN, is able to see to pastoral care needs and to pray with members. She can accompany members to appointments or hospitalizations as needed and checks in on shut-ins. Members are able to discuss concerns with her and get advice on next steps and basic health information. She conducts blood pressure checks. She is not able to provide actual medical care. She is maintaining our prayer list and can be reached at [email protected]. Her phone number is in the Salem directory. 

Current Ways to Help Others

Third Sunday Food Offering - We also contribute to Our Daily Bread (ODB) with food, money, egg cartons for 12 eggs, and plastic bags. Cereal is always needed! Cooking oil, salt & pepper, mustard, ketchup, and mayo are requested, but seldom donated. Please mark monetary donations for "food offering" and put the other goods in designated baskets under the coat rack. Meat and fresh items need to be taken directly to the facility at 701 East 12th Street. ODB is always looking for volunteers to help clients with shopping and to work in their garden. For more information, go to or call 405-533-2555.

Salem Soup Ministry- Just make soup and freeze it in the quart canning jars provided in the kitchen. Label them and put them in the hall freezer. The soup is primarily used for members who can't get out or are in need of comfort food.  You are welcome to pick up a jar at the church and deliver to a friend. 

Hope for the Homeless - A new group in Stillwater which is working to help our homeless population. Mission of Hope does excellent work but cannot help everyone. Founded by Tessa Robnett, they are trying to provide resources and support to help the homeless get off the streets. A hot meal is being provided at St. Andrews Episcopal Church on Saturday from 2 - 4 pm. Clothing and food donations may be dropped off during this time. Join the Hope for the Homeless Facebook page for more information. 

Game Nights - Friday at 6 pm

Once a month Friday game night is taking a break while members are vacationing and spending their time out of doors or out of state. Michelle and Trey Ratzlaff and Jared Smith will be coordinating! Thank you!

Adult Bible Study - Fridays at 10 a.m. on Zoom

The Friday Adult Bible Study explores a variety of themes. We will be starting to study the Book of Luke on December 6. New participants are welcome to join us on Zoom. It isn't hard to jump in. Contact [email protected] for the Zoom link and to be added to the email list. 

Campus Ministry Dinner and Bible Study - Thursdays, 6 p.m.

Campus Ministry Dinner and Bible Study with delicious homemade dinners are held on Thursdays at 6 p.m. during the school year. See the Campus Connection page for more information about our Campus group. Please join us on Thursdays!

In addition, the building is available Monday through Thursday from 8 am to 1 pm for students who need a quiet place to study or eat lunch.

Salem Book Group – Last Monday of each month at 7 p.m. on at Salem or on Zoom

We have gone to a hybrid model for our Book Group with a group at Salem and other members on Zoom. This has worked well. The Salem participants are sharing snacks and beverages. The group tries to make some choices from the Stillwater Public Library book club kits. Access the list here: 

We are currently scheduling the next nine  books!
If you have questions, contact Priscilla Gerfen.

Ongoing Communications from Salem

We use email to communicate in a timely manner with members and friends about times and resources for worship services and other meetings. Be sure to keep your email address (and all contact info) up-to-date with the Salem office at [email protected]. Our newsletter, The Seer, comes out at the first of the month by email. Additional updates and the Sunday service information is also sent by email. If you require a paper copy of the newsletter, contact the office. 

Have a Question?

Send us a message!
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