Salem Lutheran Church 

Stillwater, OK

Salem Lutheran Church 

Stillwater, OK

Information for Your First Visit

We welcome visitors and are happy to offer any help that you need! 

There will be a greeter inside the Elm Street entrance, and they will direct you to the worship bulletin for the day and our worship space. The greeter can also give you instructions about the nursery. An usher will be inside the worship space with additional help if you have questions. Our worship bulletin contains everything that you need to follow along with the service, including the music. Large-sized print versions and hearing devices are also available. Just ask the usher!

Please fill out a card from the pew rack with your contact information when you join us and drop it in the offering plate at the back of the nave or give it to the usher at the end of the service.

Please join us for coffee hour after the service in the parish hall.

If you have questions about joining Salem or the Lutheran faith, please contact the Salem office so that you can be put in contact with our interim pastor. If you want to be on our email list to receive weekly services and other current information, contact the office at [email protected] to be added to email lists (including Zoom meeting lists). 

What to Expect in Worship

The service opens with a prelude and lighting of the candles. Our minister will open with announcements and ask for prayer needs. Then the service begins. 

We enjoy a variety of liturgies, traditional and contemporary. The first part of our service centers on the Word through Bible readings and the sermon. We do stand and sit at various parts of the liturgy. Just watch the minister and the congregation. Congregants are encouraged to stand as they are able.

The second part of the service is the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Hymns and special music are included throughout the service from prelude to recessional. We are offering communion wafers (gluten-free if desired, just ask) and wine in individual cups. 

On Sundays when we do not have an ordained minister leading the service, we will follow the Service of the Word which includes scripture readings, a sermon, prayer, and hymns within the liturgy. 

During Lent and Advent we follow a service called Holden Evening Prayer. It is a very peaceful, beautiful service which includes singing, scripture, prayer, and a short message related to the theme for the season. 

Communion Practices 

We celebrate the Lord’s Supper almost every Sunday. We sing a song of Thanksgiving followed by the Words Of Institution and the Lord’s Prayer.

We have open Communion—all are welcome to participate. The pastor will offer instructions and the invitation.

Currently, we come forward down the center aisle and the pastor drops a communion wafer (regular or gluten-free on request) into our cupped hands. After consuming the wafer, we step to the wine station and take a filled communion cup from the tray. At each station, our response to receiving the elements is "Amen".

We then return to our seats by a side aisle, depositing the small cup in the tray along the side aisle. If you do not wish to take Communion, you are welcome to come forward and receive a blessing from the pastor. Simply cross your arms over your chest to indicate your desire for a blessing. Children may accompany their parents and receive either Communion or a blessing, as the parents desire. Our first Communion classes are provided to fourth graders. If you want your child to receive Communion, let the pastor know. 

Nursery Information

Our nursery is staffed from 9 am to noon by Kailinn Valdois and Jocellyn Aguilar. A bathroom is connected to the nursery. Your young children are also welcome in the worship service! we love children!

Have a Question?

Send us a message!
© Copyright 2025 - Salem Lutheran Church of Stillwater - All Rights Reserved
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