Salem Lutheran Church 

Stillwater, OK

Salem Lutheran Church 

Stillwater, OK

Sunday School 

Adult Learning, chaired by Dave Lewis and Terry Gipson

The Adult Class is meeting via Zoom at 11 a.m. on Sunday mornings. A lively group watches a lecture series and follows it up with discussion.


Confirmation instruction by the pastor and assistants is traditionally provided for 8th and 9th graders. However, instruction for individuals of other ages (including adults) is available.  Confirmation includes instuction on the Holy Bible and Luther's Small Catechism. Contact our Interim Pastor through the Salem office for more information or to let our interest be known.

Friday Morning Bible Study

Our Friday morning Bible Study group meets via Zoom at 10 am CT. Members of the group will be sharing leadership duties for the time-being. Contact the office to get connected.  Topics have ranged from prayer to women of the Bible or individual books of the Bible and are chosen according to the interests of the group.

New Member Classes

Let Pastor Dawn know if you are interested in becoming a member. She will arrange a new member class, depending on where you are in your faith journey from "new to the church" to lifelong Lutheran.

Have a Question?

Send us a message!
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