Salem Lutheran Church 

Stillwater, OK

Salem Lutheran Church 

Stillwater, OK

Service - Priscilla Gerfen, Chair

The Bake/Quilt/Craft/Fair Trade Sale 

1st Saturday in December

Our Fair Trade market and the traditional Bake sale are woven together to provide opportunities to purchase gifts in a socially conscious way. The money raised at this sale is used locally and internationally to make a difference in the lives of those in need. Your gifts of love help alleviate suffering, build livelihoods and promote human dignity.

Bake and Craft Sale -- We need your help providing baked goods, craft items and helping at the time of the sale. We look forward to enjoying the wonderful breads, cookies, candies, pies, jams, jellies, ethnic treats and creative crafts that always characterize this special event.

Fair Trade Sale -- Please join us during the bake sale and check out our selection of artisan handcrafts as well as chocolate and coffee from around the world. Being "Fair" Trade means the sale benefits the artisans. Not only that, this is a partnership between Lutheran World Relief and SERRV. Many organizations/people will benefit from the sale.


Our Sew-ers group has been piecing and tying quilts and bags for school
and health kits for decades, meeting on Wednesday morning. Quilts have
been donated to a variety of charities including Lutheran World Relief,
Habitat for Humanity, Payne County Youth Services, and Salvation Army.
Quilts are available for sale. Contact the Church Office to get more
information or to get connected.

ELCA Good Gifts

The ELCA Good Gifts display is set up during the season of Advent before Christmas. Chicks, goats, cows, pigs, and food assistance can be purchased through donations to the program. A cute gift tag is available to give to your gift honoree. There is a website with more details about the gifts.

Our Daily Bread Donations

Salem supports those struggling with hunger locally through Our Daily Bread (ODB) at 701 E. 12th Street in Stillwater. Monetary donations, shelf-stable foods, and egg cartons for a dozen eggs can be left at Salem during office hours. 

Online donations can also be made through the ODB website ELCA World Hunger donations may be made at

Bread for the World Offering of Letters

Salem members participate in the Bread for the World Offering of Letters. If you can’t take part in our annual letter-writing Sunday, there is still time to write Senators Lankford and Mullin and Rep. Lucas by US mail or email. The materials you need are linked below. Please let Tricia Auberle know if you send letters. Thank you for participating in this important advocacy work.

The Bread for the World website has a lot of resources. 
Quick tips for contacting politicians

Kit Donations and Reverse Advent boxes

Our Service Ministry collects supplies for school kits for Lutheran World Relief and Stillwater ESL students. They have also put together hygiene kits. baby kits, backpacks, children's books and stuffed animals, and more

For several years, we have participated in "Reverse Advent". Members add a different food item to the food box for each day in December. Once Christmas comes the boxes are taken to Our Daily Bread. Our service chair provides the list and appropriate Bible verses for each day. 

Fifth Sunday Offerings

On fifth Sundays we take a second offering for needs outside of our faith family. Some of our recipients of 5th Sunday offerings have been the Tanzania Medical Mission, the Smile Bus, Mobile Meals, Habitat for Humanity, Mission of Hope, Wings of Hope, and Stillwater Community Health Center. 

Fifth Sunday Offerings

On fifth Sundays we take a second offering for needs outside of our faith family. Some of our recipients of 5th Sunday offerings have been the Tanzania Medical Mission, the Smile Bus, Mobile Meals, Habitat for Humanity, Mission of Hope, Wings of Hope, and Stillwater Community Health Center.

Oaks Indian Mission

In the fall, Oaks Indian Mission students are our guests at an OSU football game. We provide a meal and the opportunity to visit with the OSU Native American Student Association. We also provide the students at Oaks with gifts or gift cards at Christmas time. The Mission is a ministry of the Lutheran Church in Oaks, Oklahoma. 

Oaks Indian Mission is called to care for abused, neglected or abandoned Indian children, guiding them on a path that will allow them to live fulfilled, successful lives.

God’s Work/Our Hands

The ELCA designates the Sunday after Labor Day as “God’s Work, Our Hands” Sunday. Our Daily Bread has been the most frequent recipient of our help. We collected many jars of peanut butter for their shelves and look forward to going back to a more hands-on project in the future. 

Global Mission Event

This activity is often a review of the Tanzania Medical Mission trip, but it has also highlighted a former student’s work with Engineers without Borders, a visitor from Lutheran Social Services, or the experiences of former students who served as ELCA “Young Adults in Global Mission”

Support for ELCA Ministries

Special Lent and Advent offerings are directed to the ELCA World Hunger Initiative. In addition, members are encouraged to support ELCA Disaster Relief throughout the year.

Stillwater Interfaith Counseling Center (SIFCC)

Salem was a charter supporter of SIFCC and continues to support the Stillwater Interfaith Counseling Center (SIFCC)

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